Philosophy | Politics | Reality
By George Hahn-Sittig



Simple thoughts about living life well. 

The Weight of Information

New systems of communication, new communities, new problems.

The Battle of Labor

Is labor a system of opportunity or of oppression and horrible injustice?

The Crushing Grip of Power

Become aware of the basic mechanics, know what you are against.

The Anatomy of Value

What does it mean to value something?

War Against Nature

The ongoing battle for human comfort against nature… can this be resolved through principles?

Weapons of the Mind

The mind is the latest battlefield of control. Yet the person remains so ill-equipped while conglomerates reduce them to a science.

The Spattering Sparks of MAGIC

We must have once imagined a world so wonderous and magical. Now that all that is solved, what is there to wonder at? To celebrate as mystery?

Etchings Of the Project

In this picture, where should we direct our eyes?

Where are all the posts? I’m writing a book! A Scifi-fantasy novel tentatively titled ‘In Golden Footsteps’ about technology and human life.

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