By George Hahn-Sittig


‘Profit’: an illusion of fairness
Because what is profit but an abuse of power quantified? and what could fair economics be?
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An Unnatural Nature
Replacing a world of green with a world of steel—that really is not so different.
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A Tale of Our Congealed Will
A shapeless writhing mass seeking justice—democracy.
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From One Culture to the Next
What happens when Something Crosses a Cultural Barrier?
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Crystal Chains
Not all chains are for binding
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An Atlas of Consumption
Would Atlas be proud of the "consumer?"
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Life as More Than a Beating Heart
What is missing...?
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Just One Thing
Accumulated Isolation Breeds Congregation
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The Sermon to the Workers
To the workers and citizens of the world, a vitriolic message.
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The Compass
Tell me, what is this 'bias' anyway?
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