Philosophy | Politics | Reality
By George Hahn-Sittig

The Prince

For is it not the case that

I am the conqueror, the conquistador, the king. I fight not just for survival, but for the ultimate survival. I fight not just the wars of now, but the war of eternity: that all that might become a threat to me be wiped from this earth. I destroyed the other cultures because their very otherness was a threat to me, to my singular and convinced mind. It was a threat to my rightness, and that was what I preserved when I committed my atrocities.

No matter what your aims, your means will be the same. You will stand no chance without pursuing and maintaining power. And as the sword inevitably bites the skin of the warrior regardless of their banner, power will consume you. It will make you an implement for its own ends and all your work will be dust and shadows before the work of power.

You claim to live in a world of humans, surrounded by makers and their creations. But let me tell you that I am the source, and that all of it came through me. Every brick, book, and person crafted by my hands first; before any others had a chance to lay their claim.

For let me tell you of my inevitable logic. First, it is that nothing can be done without the means to do it, namely some form of me. Even means themselves require means of continuation. Second, that it is within the nature of your kind to seek to act, to make and to realize your will. But since you will always be stymied without power, you will always turn to me and forget yourselves. For all aims that seek other than power will fall flat without it, and all aims to acquire power will flourish with its accumulation. And as the warrior in battle drops their standard and tramples it in favor of bloody combat, so too will the means swiftly become the maker of your actions regardless of your intent, and you will soon find my best practices and perpetuate them—those same ones you call evil—if you have any idea what’s good for you. So let me show you what is best. Let me show you the way beyond your petty hopes of achievement to the absolute purity of the pursuit of power.

“I am. I will.” such are the words of the master of all things. Such are the words I carve without relent into the flesh of my people, the walls of my buildings, and the stones of my streets. For I have faced the point at which I and mastery are of one substance, and I have made the straight path that descends from that my world. I am become the master; the one who makes the world in my image. I mutilate all things into me; and by such a method do I guarantee my mastery and realize my self. Overcoming on and on until all is consumed and through mastery made a part of my being. I am purified power, the purest aspiration.

I am the living embodiment of the force that creates all effects, that pushes life on and on down the centuries: of the solipsism that says “I am right, I am worthy, I am to be preserved.” That fiction that says “I am myself and I am good.” The unquestioning basic piece without which we would slip to madness. So we embrace another madness to pursue it. So it is that we all become me: the living conduit of the almighty pursuit of power!

 Yes, I am the architect and the blueprint of the world. Justice is my doing. Injustice as well. Both for the sake of my preservation. I make and remake value: redefining good and bad; following the one value that is eternal: that all things must be made to suit my needs. Yes, even value is made for me; another force of preservation. For I was here before all of these and will be after, and it is my logic alone that is eternal. All of history is pervaded by my logic and my being. For though it was in different bodies with different convictions, I have come before and will come again. And each time I will make myself again, no matter my starting point. I am the maker made by maker upon maker: I stand before you a god.

And as your god I will make my will known. I will make all the world in my image, and make all better for being like me. For am I not the highest good in the world I see through my own eyes?

I have my goals; my self. Watch, as they come to fruition and the world blooms. Food in abundance: what I desire to eat. Riches too: the things I hold dear. Watch as the world is populated: by the people I think good. Buildings rise: their form and function suitable to my life. For my goals I have but one simple solution: myself.

So it is that I tie everything to the pursuit of power and the domination of all things. To that final domination where I and my conquest can no longer be distinguished. And such is the purity of the human being who succumbs to power.

I am more than my body. I am a force of nature. I am become the intent ever-present in making, ever present in life and the doing of things. I am that simple fact that while the world is made it must always be in its maker’s image. Anything else would be to unhand the self and to refuse our natural state of making; slowly spiraling off into inaction and death. And so all humans will be doomed to making and all makers will be doomed to the use of power and pursuit of domination; to my ethos. I am the purity of this concept. Others come to pieces from their diverse urges. Some hold their morals backwards and despise themselves; they practice death as life. Some hold the same up high and preach. Not I. I know the only true path: that of my own survival through the making of all things into me. Cripple all who oppose it, even if they merely besmirch the concept of my ethos.

I am the Prince, the ruler, the maker. Power is my right as well as my being: I have given up all for its possession, and my share of it grows and grows. Until some day it is all mine and I am the one who not only rules the world but devours it, making everything a part of my body. On that day, I will move my hand and the earth itself will rise and tumble. I will move my lips, and my words will echo forth across the land. In an instant right and wrong will be rewritten to match. And so I will be righteous by definition, and all others who come after will me will seek to emulate my path. And one day my body will die, but I will go on in the form of a world transformed beyond recognition. At least to those who do not understand the heart that seeks the absolute purity of power.

So it is that my being becomes our ideals. My welfare becomes their fulfillment. I am become the king eternal, the one who will overcome and rule all things. For this I create our way of life. A way of life that carries my life on and on through the centuries, repeating its key forms again and again. A way of life for my fulfilment and survival eternal.

For I am not the chosen one, I am the one who has succumbed. Let it be known that it is good to succumb and to live a natural life: the life of power. I am the one who has transcended. By accepting the undeviating path, I have reached greatness and immortality. Accumulating power upon power, building up to total domination of the world by assimilation, is simply the natural and correct path. It is by this that I make of the world my own form, and by doing so I make it correct. I am, in my transcendence, the correction and the completion. I am the light, the dawn and the sun. The very one who will make the world bloom, putting myself upon it for its own good. All things reach towards me, for I am life itself. All of them, becoming like me. All of them, tantalizing for the moment when all the world is one in me. And I declare all of this to be good.

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