Philosophy | Politics | Reality
By George Hahn-Sittig


This is Shimmering Beneath, a project dedicated to finding from life its essential joy; that magic spark that makes all of it worth it. Moving from what I know every day to the beautiful complexity that must exist somewhere beyond

Much of that has been hidden from me. I often find myself living my days in a haze, free from motivation, free from happiness and caring. I often find myself breaking on the rocks of simple setbacks and difficulties. I often feel my emotions as a violence wrapped up in my chest, and not as a blessing. Maybe this is post-depression blues. A mind so bent out of shape that even its fabulous plasticity is not quite enough to let it come back into form.

Aside from this overarching goal, this is largely a story about problems; life is a series of problems with no real solutions. But that somewhere along the way of recounting these problems, we may somehow jump beyond them. That is the goal.

So, to recount the problems—the things of the world—in such forms and in such numbers as I am able, that is my goal. To bring into being before me the face of life, so that I may examine all its cracks and wrinkles and finally see that aged smile, that is my goal. To see beneath the flat surface of simple problems, and see the answers Shimmering Beneath.

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