Philosophy | Politics | Reality
By George Hahn-Sittig

Introducing MAGIC

MAGIC is the                   space

Between the actual                                                                                                               

And the conceived.

Between placid fact

And the wellspring of thought that is received.

I touch my love’s hair

Yet it is neither hair

Or the sensation of touch,

That beats my heart

And lifts my feet.

It is not just an assembly of hertz

That forges a song

Or strong support

That makes a column.

It is the breaking of that connection

Between reality and feeling;

Of the conservation of feeling.

Where the mind sparks

And lights a flame;

And reality burns bright a moment

With light and meaning.

Magic magnifies and transforms

—and breaks all logic.

A wrenching of normal perspective

That changes your relation to the world

And magnifies it all by the momentum

Of that shift

Where have we hid this magic?

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