Philosophy | Politics | Reality
By George Hahn-Sittig

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves

In the gutter

So beautiful

A muddle of colors

Serrated shapes

And wet dirt.

Ruddy and ragged, yet…

Grand and enticing

As an evening sky,

Spread with clouds and lights…

Where magic lies,

Long like a snake

Across the horizon-line


The known and the unknown.

The snake rolls over

And the rhythm of expectation fails

—I am assailed by total natality.

I see my leaves again,

That I opened my eyes to,

And my thoughts and feelings

—Suddenly so pointed and fresh—

Are all made so new, so incredible

That appreciation is unavoidable.

And it is all so wonderful that I must wonder

If all things cannot be this good.

These serrated shapes, like arrows fly…

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